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Ky Nguyen

DevOps Engineer

About Me

I'm a DevOps Engineer from Da Nang who loves to learn and try new tools & technologies.

Languages: Shell Script, Ansible, Terraform, Python
Tools: Github Action, Travis, Docker, Packer
Operating System: Linux, Windows

The Latest Projects

Current project

project here

A simple three-tier WordPress architecture on AWS

Technology Stack: - Packer, Terraform, Ansible, AWS

Head to my project

project here

Ansible LEMP Stack

LEMP Stack system with high availability and monitoring tool using Ansible

Technology Stack: Galera Cluster for MySQL, Nginx, PHP, Redis Sentinel and Zabbix

View on GitHub

project here

LEMP Wordpress

WordPress with LEMP Technology Stack in Docker Container with Docker Compose and TLS support, using GitHub Action as CI tool

View on GitHub

project here

Zabbix Script

A simple script that will send message from Zabbix to Slack with bot token

Technology Stack: Shell Script, Python, Zabbix and Slack

View on GiHub

My GitHub

My GiHub contribution graph calender

Loading the data just for you.



  • Shell Script
  • Terraform
  • Cloudformation
  • Ansible
  • Python


  • GitHub Action
  • Bitbucket Pipeline
  • Docker
  • Zabbix
  • Packer


Da Nang University of Technology

Embedded System - Computer Science


Professional efficiency

Native Speaker